I gave a loved one an Apple iPhone as a gift this afternoon. The happiness lasted until she started trying to transfer her cellphone number from T-Mobile (who we love) to AT&T (the only network with iPhones). After spending 40 minutes on the phone with an AT&T customer service rep she had to call T-Mobile […]
January 3, 2008 | Startups | 1 comment
Google has a Live Caucus Map in case you’re watching the Iowa caucuses this evening.
January 3, 2008 | Startups | No comments
Saw this image on cnn.com this morning. It captures the essence of democracy. While I wonder if Barack knows what’s good for American business, I can’t help but like the guy.
January 2, 2008 | Startups | No comments
Google recently fixed a glaring vulnerability in gmail that allows an attacker to forward copies of all or some of your email to themselves by adding a filter to your gmail account. But not before someone lost their domain name to an attacker who then proceeded to try to sell it back to them for […]
December 25, 2007 | Code | 1 comment
A Microsoft quote from an NY Times article I’ve already cited has been bugging the crap out of me. It bugged me when I first blogged about this article and it bugged me as I wandered around B&N last night doing the last of my xmass shopping. I wound up in the management section and […]
December 23, 2007 | Code, Innovation | No comments
I don’t get it.
December 19, 2007 | Startups | No comments
“My machine overnight could process my in-box, analyze which ones were probably the most important, but it could go a step further,” he said. “It could interpret some of them, it could look at whether I’ve ever corresponded with these people, it could determine the semantic context, it could draft three possible replies. And when […]
December 16, 2007 | Tech News, Technology | No comments
I’m testing two new Feedjit widgets on the right side of this page. We launched the back-end code for these tonight and they’ll only appear on the public site in a week or so after they’ve been thoroughly tested. The first is a simple page popularity widget that has been much-requested by our users. It […]
November 22, 2007 | Startups | No comments
I found this image on the awesome http://firefighterblog.blogspot.com/ that’s getting a lot of traffic today and is posting a constant stream of fire updates, so be sure to subscribe to his feed if you’re following the fires. Originally from the MODIS Terra polar orbit Satellite (click the image for the source). The fire appears to […]
October 24, 2007 | Randomness | No comments
Paciolan is managing ticket sales for the Colorado Rockies. Their servers were hit with over 1500 requests per second and it took down not only the Rockies ticket sales infrastructure, but all Paciolans other customers too. They claim to have been hit by a DDoS attack, but that’s something that’s hard to prove or disprove […]
October 23, 2007 | Tech News, Technology | No comments