There are many caching products, plugins and config suggestions for blogs and sites but I’m going to take you through the basic WordPress speedup procedure. This will give you a roughly 280% speedup and the ability to handle high numbers of concurrent visitors with little additional software or complexity. I’m also going to throw […]
June 26, 2011 | Advanced Wordpress, Nginx, Wordpress | 1 comment
Update: Thanks Matt for the mention and Joseph for the excellent point in the comments that WordPress in fact uses whatever MySQL’s default table handler is, and from 5.5 onwards, that’s InnoDB – and for his comments on InnoDB durability. My development energy has been focused on a lot during the past few months […]
June 23, 2011 | mysql, PHP, Wordpress | 5 comments
I’ve starting taking my running a bit more seriously this year, feeling the need for speed, so I’ve been looking at running form. My two favorite videos so far: My favorite video – Ryan Hall in super slow motion with pretty much god-like form at the Boston 2010 Marathon. This video has caused me to […]
June 14, 2011 | Running | No comments
This incredibly disturbing story was posted on Hacker News 26 minutes ago. Summary: The London Daily Telegraph (via is reporting that British Intelligence agents from MI6 and GCHQ hacked into an AlQueda online magazine and removed instructions for making a pipe bomb. They replaced the article with a cupcake recipe. A Pentagon operation was […]
June 5, 2011 | Hacker News, Law, networks, Security, Technology | 3 comments
Money talks. Or, in this case it doesn’t. Have you noticed that the vast majority of published ideas will not increase your business or personal revenue? If someone has a truly great idea for increasing earnings or creating new revenue out of thin air, they will implement or trade it themselves and will never share. At […]
June 2, 2011 | Economics, Startups | No comments
The wannabe economist in me has been following the BitCoin phenomenon with great interest during the last few months. The algorithmic side of bitcoin is fascinating, but a few things bugged me about the system. One of them was that the maximum number of bitcoins that can ever exist is limited to 21 million. Most […]
June 2, 2011 | Economics | 1 comment
The Alexa graph above only shows the domain, but most of the traffic to the domain is HN. Also HN is visible on several other domains like, which isn’t counted in the above graph, so it’s probably already passed Slashdot. Footnote: This post was something more political re comment scores. But I decided I […]
May 28, 2011 | Startups | No comments
This is the OK-GLI, part of the Soviet Shuttle Buran program, the largest and most expensive space program in the history of the Soviet Union. The OK-GLI completed 25 test flights between 1985 and 1988 before being retired. The OK-GLI was powered by four AL-31 jet engines with the fuel tank in the cargo bay. […]
May 28, 2011 | NASA, Space | No comments
The smartest most helpful people hang out there. Thanks for the awesome theme Lucian!
May 28, 2011 | Hacker News, Themes | No comments
At the 1998 Winter Olympic Games in Nagano, a Russian medical officer asked the Olympic Committee whether the use of insulin was restricted to athletes who are insulin dependent diabetics. The incident drew attention to insulin and the IOC were swift to ban it as a performance enhancing drug. I recently posted a question on […]
May 28, 2011 | Fitness, Nutrition | No comments